Metabolic Machines / Stofsk(r)ifter – (English catalogue only)


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The prominent Austrian bioartist Thomas Feuerstein works with the complicated transformations of matter that all living things are involved: Some of his sculptures contain living algae which is turned into alcohol and paint; others hold bacteria which turn paper into sugar that then feeds living brain cells in a bioreactor.

In 2018, Thomas Feuerstein exhibited his living sculptures at Medical Museion. This catalogue is a collection of essays about his works and his artistic practice. The essays examine these messy and rich works, unfolding them through philosophical speculation and historical context.
The texts are complemented by stunning photographs of Feuerstein’s artworks

62 pages

Den anerkendte østrigske biokunstner Thomas Feuerstein beskæftiger sig med de komplekse stofskifteprocesser, der kendetegner alt levende:  Nogle af hans skulpturer er befolket af levende alger, som han høster og omdanner til alkohol og maling; andre indeholder bakterier, der omdanner papir til sukker, som fodres til levende hjerneceller i en bioreaktor.

I 2018 udstillede Thomas Feuerstein en række af hans levende skulpturer på Medicinsk Museion.
Dette katalog er en samling af essays om hans kunstneriske virke. Teksterne i STOF(r)SKRIFTER undersøger disse levende og flertydige værker via filosofisk spekulation og historisk kontekst. Teksterne er suppleret af betagende fotografier af Feuersteins kunstværker.

62 sider.

Additional information

Weight 0,297 kg


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